Friday, February 25, 2005


In Dec 2003, I canceled my cable. There are two reasons. First, the cable company increased my monthly payment from around $50 to $55. Second, I wanted to read more and the TV is taking away most of my free time...(btw, I have about more 130 books in my wish list to be read; and there are 100's of books published every month). I still have TV and watch those broadcast channels.

With much more free time in 2004, I was able to read quite a few books. Below is the list. I am planning to write reviews for each one of them in future.

White Fang
Call of the wild
The Sea-Wolf
Murder on Iditorod Trail
Red Line (avoid this one)
Under the Banner of the Heaven

Into the Wild
Into Thin Air
Eiger Dreams
Desert Solitaire (highly recommended)

Global Warming

It great to see more people are starting believe that on global warming. After Michael Crichton's "State of Fear", which stirred debate on global warming. BTW, Crichton is one of those who doesn't believe in industry induced global warming. His position is that there is no enough data to warrent the global warming, and that the environmentalists are creating the panic.
I think global warming is real, and it's up to us to make the future generations survive. What if those who oppose the strong pollution measure's were wrong?. It's doesn't hurt to have cleaner and greener earth for us as well for the future generations.