Saw the movie on July 2nd. This is the Speilberg's adaptation of the classic sci-fi fiction "war of the worlds" by H G Wells. The movie is set in the current time as the book was set in 1901 (I think) so there is quite few differences. But the plot is simple: Martian's drop into the earth (literally) to cause such havac to humans. Martians are depicted as highly intellegent creatures, and highly evolved (interestingly written in the book; not much mention in the movie).
Even though I would have liked exact setting as in the book, the movie is epic. Speilberg add his imaginations to the "maritian killing machines - tripod like fighting machines", the heat-ray which evaporates the humans and leaves their clothes flying. If you have read the book you know climax, which for most people it's kind of quick. Strictly speaking there is no hero, or super hero who can take on the aliens (actually, in the book British army is no match for the martians, as in the movie US army isn't match)...that to me a hugh plus.
I would highly recommend this movie, but it will be much more fun and scary if you read the book before hand.
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
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